Billy Elliot Essay Lvl 1 Ncea

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The film Billy Elliot directed by Stephen Daldry focuses on a young boy named Billy, following his transformation from an ugly duckling – a less than average boxer, to a beautiful swan- a graceful ballet performer. An important idea shown throughout the visual text is ‘realising one’s potential’, and this is shown through Billy’s journey on becoming a ballet dancer. The director, Daldry uses a range of oral and visual techniques such as music and dialogue, as well as visual techniques such as body language, to convey the importance of this theme. A verbal technique shown in the film is music. The film opens with the song “Cosmic Dancer” by T Rex playing in the background. This song is used to introduce the main character Billy. “I was dancing when I was 12” “I danced myself out the womb.” As Billy leaps into the air, a close up camera shot is shown and we see his facial expressions filled with joy and excitement. The shot zooms out and he continues to leap up and land back down, with nothing but a plain background behind him. The same expression plastered on his face. He is happy, carefree, and is obviously enjoying himself in his own little world. These lyrics give a clear view of where Billy’s pathway is heading to. From the beginning of the film, we already find out what Billy is meant to do; what he was born to do. That is, of course, dancing. As the song continues, he is shown making breakfast in the kitchen, the rhythm of his body moving in tune with the rhythm of the music. Clearly he is able to connect with the lyrics and beat of the music in contrast with Tony, who snatches the headphones away from him and listens to the song passively, not connecting with the words, nor understanding the concept of the song. Music shows the importance of the theme through the lyrics and the connection Billy makes with the song and his movements, giving us viewers a

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