Big Brother Isn´T Watching

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Big Brother isn´t watching you by Russel Brand The comment was posted on the English website “The Guardian” in the summer of 2011. This website is possibly one of the most read online newspapers in England, which means that a lot of people read it every day, thousands or maybe even tens of thousands. This means that this commentary has been read by a wide variety of people, from different parts of society. Russel Brand, who is comedian/entertainer/actor/musician but he is particularly famous for his many movies. Russell Brand now lives in Los Angeles, USA, but feels the need to public his opinion towards the London Riots, since he has a very strong connection to his native country. Even though, he does not live in England. It is subjective because he chooses to give his own perspective, and therefore his own personal opinion on this issue. This comment is obviously directed towards the media and the politicians of England. In the beginning of his comment we see how Brand uses his knowledge from his career, like Big Brother to inform us what he needs to say about the 2011 UK riots. But not only that, he makes it entertaining to read by using ironic and/or funny sentences, like this sentence from line 51-55: “Wow! Thanks guys! What a wonderful use of the planet’s fast-depleting oxygen resources. Now that’s been dealt with can we move on to more taxing matters such as whether or not Jack The Ripper was a ladies’ man. And what the hell do bears get up to in those woods?” You can all must hear the mocking and the hilarious tone.. Russell Brand is a very talented writer by comment on it the subject the 2011 UK riots, which was a complete mess and then putting in some funny surprises and phrases into the text. That concludes that Russell Brand is a talented
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