Bibl 410 Chapter Assignment 3

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Name: Ana Garconvil Class: Bibl 350 Chapter assignment 3 Chapter Assignment 3: 10-1, 10-2, 12-1, 12-2 Assignment 10-1 Reader response is when the reader interpretion is defined by his or her own understanding. This also means that it is the reader who defines any meaning, and because of that each reader will get something different from the text.The reader’s response may result in a negative effect in that the author’s original meaning may be lost to the reader by taking such a liberty. This lies at the very heart of what the meaning of Scripture is to the reader. Contrary to the reader response is the author’s intent. Authorial intent is when the author control the meaning of the text and the meaning, author intent according to textbook is defined as that which the author wishes to convey with his signs. Reader response and author intent are very different from each other. author intent is less bias. Assignment 10-2 Communication is crucial when it comes to read the scriptures, communication lies at the heart of interpreting a biblical text. For example, the Bible is God’s revelation to us, God’s purpose is to communicate with us about Himself and His will for us. Assignment 12-1 The Father: The father is very well-educated he is able to understand the passage of John 3:16. The logic, the grammatical rules within the passage is at his grasp. According to the textbook, the Bible does not insist that an unbeliever is incapable of understanding any of its basic grammatical or historical content, so I will conclude that the father will probably approach the passage intellectually since he never claim to follow Christ. The Mother: Contrary to the father the mother is a mature believer; she might develop a deeper understanding of the passage than her husband for according to the text, our spiritual maturity affects our ability to hear
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