Best Buy Case Study

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Best buy Best Buy Case Study Matthew A Stephenson March 7, 2013 Professor Setterlind MGT 330-N Best Buy Case Study Best Buy is a multinational consumer electronics corporation based out of Minnesota. It was founded in 1966 as an audio specialty store and rebranded in 1983 as a consumer electronics business. As the technology era of the 1990s grew, so did Bust Buy. The company grew rapidly, building new locations nationally and internationally and kept abreast on all of the new technology available to consumer markets. In 2002, Best Buy acquired Geek Squad, a 24-hour computer-support taskforce, as a service feature for their corporation. In 2009, after Circuit City closed its doors, Best Buy was the largest electronics retail store, both online and bricks and mortar in the eastern United States. As a leader in electronics and the boom in consumer demand for mobile devices, Best Buy opened its first Best Buy Mobile location in 2009. As Best Buy struggled to emerge in foreign markets, it closed several stores in the UK and China and sought investment in established brands in those markets instead. With the rapid growth of the company and high competition, Best Buy is constantly striving to stay a leader in the consumer electronics market. One way they are able to do this is through employee motivation tools. People have certain needs to motivate them to perform behaviors for which they receive rewards that feedback and satisfy the original need in a simple model of motivation. Motivation may be defined as the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior. It was once thought that money was the main contributor in motivating people, however it is much more complex than that. Best Buy understands that it takes money, as well as other factors to motivate their employees. Best Buy developed an employee motivation program
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