Bermuda Triangle Essay

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Bermuda Triangle: Have you ever wondered what The Bermuda Triangle is about and why it is a great mystery? Then my speech on the Bermuda triangle will help you understand more about this strange thing. The Bermuda triangle is a strange and mysterious region in the south West Atlantic ocean where people, ships, boats and air craft flying over it have been sucked in to its stormy waters or disappeared. It has been held responsible for the disappearances of over 2000 vessels, 75 airplanes and many innocent lives in the past 3 centuries . But the question is how? What really happened in this deadly body of water? There are many theories about what is going on in the Bermuda Triangle. From human error, to the lost city of Atlantis all the way to paranormal activity and Extra Terrestrials. The triangle is located in the islands of Bermuda, Miami, Florida and Puerto Rico and it is Also known as the devil’s triangle and covering an area of about 500000 miles. The need to undertake findings on the Bermuda triangle arose from what many journalists and other writers described the area to have experienced an extraordinarily high number of disappearances of ships, airplanes and people compared to any other region in the sea or ocean. The first notable sources of strange experiences in the region can be traced back to the 15th century. In one of his many voyages while in this region in 1492, Christopher Columbus reported cases of strange fire balls crushing into the ocean and compass malfunctions. Some have approximated the figures of disappearances in the last one hundred years as one hundred ships and planes each, and over a thousand people. Flight 19 Among the most notable cases of disappearances documented is “Flight 19”. On December 5th 1945 is said to be one of the first known flights to go down in the Bermuda triangle. The aircraft was filled with US navy avenger

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