Beowulf vs. Oedipus

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The Puppets of Fate Beowulf and Oedipus are two tales from two distinct times of heroes who share similar qualities yet are destined by two different fates. The stories of these characters have been told for centuries and are excellent examples of the respects and values of the cultures in which they were written in. Oedipus and Beowulf are two mortals who display true power as exceptional human beings, yet fate and human nature are the ultimate deciders in the lives that they live. Although they are from two different times, Beowulf and Oedipus are very similar characters. First of all, the two stories were influenced by two different religious backgrounds yet both of these characters were destined to live by fate. Throughout both of the books fate is mentioned quite often. For instance, Oedipus’ prophecy comes true and Beowulf becomes victorious over Grendel all decided by the swift hand of fate. Secondly, Oedipus and Beowulf both earned their hero-like statuses by overcoming great obstacles. For instance, Oedipus became king of Thebes after a long journey and by answering the riddle of the sphinx. Beowulf became known as the greatest warrior of the Geats for his loyalty to his leader and by triumphing over many monsters. Another key similarity between the two is that they are not greater than Gods. This fact is crucial to the stories because it means that they are vulnerable to fate and mere mortals can not overcome fate. And lastly, these two men share many heroic qualities for which they have earned prestige from. Both men, to different extents, are strong, courageous, brave, just, and wise. These characteristics give them heroic advantages that are highly prized in both of their societies. Although Oedipus and Beowulf are similar in many ways, their fate, culture, and personalities have many differences. To start off, the two are destined for the

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