Beowulf an Epic Hero

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Beowulf was not only an Anglo-Saxon hero and a modern day hero, but also an epic hero. According to the dictionary an epic hero is a main character in an epic whose legendary or heroic actions are central to his/her culture, race, or nation. Beowulf embodied courage, loyalty, strength, and much more, attributes that were all valued by the Anglo-Saxon culture and are still valued in society today. Beowulf was never afraid to die, which shows us the courage within Beowulf. “Whichever one death fells must deem it a just judgment by God. (440-441)” The poet of Beowulf constantly emphasizes that death comes to everyone whenever God decides it’s time; there is nothing mortal man can do to avoid this eventual fate. Beowulf doesn't enter into his battle with Grendel expecting to triumph over the demon. Instead, he is able to fight Grendel with courage because he's already accepted that he will most likely die in the attempt. This morose attitude releases him from the fear of death. After all, if you accept the worst possible outcome, there's nothing left to make you afraid. “Inspired again by the thought of glory, the war-king threw his whole strength behind a sword-stroke and connected with the skull. (2677-2680)” Beowulf is able to behave courageously by constantly keeping thoughts of his reputation and the possibility for fame and glory in mind as well as his morbid attitude towards death. Does Beowulf exhibit loyalty? Certainly. The main reason he traveled across the sea to help Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, was because Hrothgar had helped Beowulf's father, Ecgtheow, settle a feud years earlier. Beowulf is loyal to the Dane King to settle the debt his father left behind and he is proud to be able to lend his services in this time of distress in Heorot. This act reveals Beowulf’s honorable moral code, a powerful attribute of an epic hero. After Hygelac is

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