The Benifits Of Organic Food

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Introduction Agricultural activities have been around for over 10 000 years and new innovations are continuously being used. Traditionally, organic farms were run by little family-run farms – this is why small stores or famers markets were the only places that sold organic food. Today , organic foods are becoming much more widely available. Consumers have begun to change the industry because they have many concerns about the safety “of the products of conventional agriculture” ( TEXT BOOK) . Some major worry is the amount of residue from pesticides left on the crops, about the routine of the crops, the use of antibiotics in livestock and if the GMO (Genetically modified organisms) products have been tested adequately (TEXT BOOK). The purpose of this research project is to discuss the many benefits of organic food. One would predict that the reason the production of organic food is becoming more widespread is due to its health and ecological benefits and the taste. It is important to study this topic because more people have decided to switch to organic food in the belief that it is better than conventionally grown food. With an increase of information and knowledge on the benefits of organic food more people may choose to purchase organic food. As a result this report was written to provide others with the additional information and knowledge needed to make the decision to buy organically grown food. Background and Issues Not to long ago, organic food was challenging to find. Recently more people have decided to buy organic food because they believe that it tastier and better for your health. In approximately one decade organic food has been estimated to make up 20 per cent of the world’s diet (Harrison). In the past ten years the sales of organic food have increased 20% in Canada, worldwide the annual sales of “organic products are now estimated at

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