Benefits of Walking

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As college students we are expected to take care of ourselves. We are facing the world as adults with actual breath-taking responsibilities; like deciding what we are going to eat that night or if the color laundry you just put into the washer counts as just colors or bright colors. For some of us that’s brand new, for others it is old news. A more serious part of taking care of ourselves includes taking care of our physical health and our bodily health. We also have to ensure that with our new found responsibility that we are getting to our classes on time. There is no better mode of transportation than to walk. Walking around campus, instead of taking the bus or a bicycle, is an excellent way to take care of both your physical and bodily health as well as getting to class on time. Instead of taking the bus around campus, you can walk and fit some extra exercise into your busy schedule. Taking the bus can seem to be more convenient or faster at times; the reality is that it takes more time than just walking. Although the CATA buses claim to run every ten minutes, those ten minutes vary depending on the amount of traffic. As an innocent bystander, I’ve noticed that there are times when two White Loops will arrive two minutes apart from each other and you will not see another one for another fifteen-seventeen minutes. When you are actually on the bus, you will take at least twenty minutes to get from East Halls to downtown or fifteen to E.E. West. Not only do you have to wait for the bus to arrive but also wait till the bus gets to your specific stop to get off. By that time, you might end up running late to your class or social event. Walking would be a better mode of transportation than riding you bike for various reasons. Although it may seem that you would arrive to your destination faster than on foot, most of the time that does not apply. For instance,
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