Benefits of Reading '50 Shades of Grey'

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The benefits of reading the ‘Fifty Shades’ trilogy The ‘Fifty Shades’ trilogy is known as the best paperback bestseller in the world, it broke the bestseller record of the exciting page-turner, the ‘Harry Potter’ series. 65 million copies were sold per year- a massive amount of books! There are two reasons that encouraged me to read this book. As being a ‘Harry Potter’ fan, I would really like to find out how this book broke the bestseller record of the ‘Harry Potter’ series by reading and studying it. I also found that people are often judgmental; they are often prejudiced towards a book even before reading it. It makes me wonder, which aspect of this book offends them so severely that caused them to develop their strong distaste for ‘Fifty Shades’, which I would also like to find out the reason by reading it. Through the ‘50 Shades’ series, I’ve learned a lot, in terms of both writing style and content. Firstly, this book is immensely well known for its imagination and the level of descriptive details. For writing an imaginative and descriptive piece is what the English 2nd language course expects us to do. Secondly, this book is written in a women’s perspective, and the author, EL James showed a great use of using first person’s perspective. Though this is considered as a fictional book, it is linked to the real world, which I think I really need to read some of these books, due to the fact that reading those adventures might be too much for me that I might hallucinate or begin to have wrong thoughts. Thirdly, I’ve learnt a lot of new vocabulary, such as ‘frown’ and ‘subconscious’. I also learnt a lot of new sentences structure, due to the fact that I am always reading the same type of books before, the vocabulary that I know is really limited, therefore I now aim to read a wider variety of books. And now, I’m going to start reading books that are
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