Benefits of Outsourcing

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Benefits of Outsourcing One of the main criticisms levelled at contemporary business practices in the globalized economy is the practice of outsourcing jobs. It is argued that multinational businesses are increasingly relocating from their domestic countries to take advantage of lower wage rates and lax worker rights in developing economies. This practice obviously has the repercussion of providing employment opportunities in developing economies at the expense of jobs in the western countries where multinationals have their origins. Is this trend entirely damaging, or are some benefits associated with it? There are many advantages and disadvantages relating to outsourcing on both developed and developing economies. In this report I will be weighing up both advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and comparatively analysing the effects this practice poses on the economies involved. For developed economies such as the UK outsourcing provides ‘cheap foreign labour. Multinational organisations look to save on costs, improve their efficiency, increase company flexibility, improve company focus, and for smaller companies it helps to level the playing field with big corporations and reduce business risks’ (Thornton, M., 2004). Businesses need to stay competitive within the market which may be one of the many reasons they seek lower costs for production. Boeing said that ‘they must build planes with fewer and more productive workers to remain competitive’ (Cook, J. et al, 2004). This is the simple factor in most multinational organisations. Outsourcing provides benefits for developing countries. An article by John Cook and Paul Nyhan states that ‘the US has a responsibility to developing nations to provide jobs within those countries’ (Cook, J. et al, 2004). Work which has been outsourced to developing countries provides many families with a source of income which
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