Benefits Of Organic Foods

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X. Amoz Advanced Composition 135 December 10, 2011 Joey Erickson You’re standing at the grocery store with two vegetables that look almost the same. The only difference is that one has a “USDA Certified Organic” sticker on it. So what’s the difference between ‘conventionally grown’ fruits and vegetables and the ‘certified organic’ ones? There are lots of differences between these two foods, but consuming organic food is better for humans and the environment than conventional foods. The fact is chemical residues remain on conventional foods and are consumed by us on a daily basis. The residual chemicals (mostly from pesticides and fertilizers) are being stored in our fatty tissues. These chemicals were designed to attack the nervous system of pests which leads to overstimulation of the nerves and eventually death. The most well known chlorinated pesticide is DDT. Acute toxicity from chlorinated pesticides is rarely seen since they have been banned; however, their persistence in the environment and our bodies can cause a variety of health problems that begin slowly. The effects of these compounds are most often seen in the neurological, immunological, and endocrinological systems, although they can also affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and other systems in the body. (Prati, 1972). Non-organic fruits and vegetables are covered in pesticide residual and it won't all wash off. Pesticides turn up, not just on fruit and vegetables, but in bread, baby food and other products. Our government claims that there's no real risk to your health from these pesticide traces. However, in light of the risk pesticides can have on the human body the general public is demanding healthier foods. Another argument the farming methods used for conventional foods in comparison to organic farming. Farming for conventional food protects margins and

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