Benefits of Globalisation to Consumers/Individuals

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Benefits of globalisation to consumers/individuals The most obvious benefits here is cheaper prices, globalisation leads to increase competitiveness which leads to price cuts and as a result of this consumers benefits from cheaper prices(Kahn, 1998). Globalisation also gives consumers a more varied selection of products. And it increases the purchasing power of an individual. For example, if I earn 100 euro a month and 50 euro goes towards my groceries I only have 50 euro left to spend but when the likes of Tesco, Lidl and Aldi enter the market I now only have to spend 25 euro to do my shopping and I can easily shop around and compare prices and now I have 75 euro left which means I can now afford to buy more with the same 100 euro than I could before these foreign companies entered the market. However some argue that if foreign competitors enter the market and dominates the market share they may then raise the price or worse move to a cheaper economy to cut cost leaving consumers with little or no choices and higher prices set by domestic companies. However I disagree with this point because if we look at Ireland for example, since the likes of Tesco, Lidl and Aldi entering the market, this has created more jobs and giving us a wide range of products to choose from. Tesco and Aldi are ranked in the top 10 food retailers in the world (Supermarket News, 2011) and I highly doubt that these companies are going to pull out of Ireland as they are well established and are very profitable. Anti globalisation protesters argue that globalisation is the cause of poverty, just try and tell that to the people of Taiwan. Over 30 years ago these individuals were as poor as many African countries, today they are as wealthy as the Spanish. Since Taiwan began modernising, poverty has cut by half and real wages are ten times higher than they was 40 years ago (Norberg, 2006). From
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