Examples Of Believing In Yourself Essay

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Believe in myself There are may be days when i get up in the morning and things aren't the way i had hoped they would be. Thats when i have to tell myself that things will get better. There are times when people disappoint me and let me down but those are times when i must remind myself to trust my own judgments and opinions to keep my life focused on believing in myself but then fate would really destroy everything. nothing really fascinates me to be in this course but i am here for a purposeWhich is to follow somebody's dream even to the extent , i give up my childhood's dream to become a successful engineer .I was just being forced to take it and learned to love it. I lost every thing. I lost my scholarships just because I'm on under control of somebody which is supreme. They have the key to my success. I lost all the opportunities that comes in my way but i Never stop dreaming, for "Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny" and your purpose in life.…show more content…
Keep myself headed in the right direction for me it may not be easy at times but in those times of struggle i will find a stronger sense of who i am. So when the days come that are filled with frustrations and unexpected responsibilities , i should remember to believe in myself and what i want my life to be because the challenges and changes will only help me find the goals that i know are meant to come true for me, maybe not now but for some other

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