Belief In Magic

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Belief In Magic Halloween always brings the fear of something stirring in the cemetery. A witch’s coven burning the cross as they dance, cackling under the moon and clad only by the sky. Black masses where the blood of unborn children is poured into the maw of Moloch. A voodoo doctor with his grim cauldron full of venomous toads and living bats. That sort of thing. In the Harry Potter movies we watch children on a broomstick play Quidditch and little wizards and witches casting quick spells here and there with their magic wands. In the movie, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, we watch martial arts heroes literally flying among the trees to fight. These days we’re flooded with all kinds of movies that bring magic into our lives. The specter and idea of the supernatural and magic bring up a number of interesting questions. What is magic? Is there such a thing as “good magic”? Is there any such thing as magic at all? When I chose why people believe in magic and is it real or not as my topic I came into this essay believing that there’s no way magic can be real along with potions and spells, etc. Almost as soon as I started researching I came across a very interesting site. I strongly urge you to go to the site Going to this site and reading about how people were making love potions and having many steps to different spells, etc. just enforced my belief that magic is in no way real. I then looked further into different witch sites and spell sites. I found another site, that once again enforced my belief that magic is not real. This site, as well as the other one I mentioned, had lots of “love spells” and other spells that we can apparently do. But with no scientifically proven evidence I couldn’t believe all these spells, potions, etc. could be done. As I went more in depth in my research I realized that
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