Being Talented Essay

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Q1-Differentiate among the following terminologies: 1- Being talented Talent is a special, often creative natural ability or aptitude especially in a particular field. It is something you don’t have to learn that will give you a natural advantage towards being successful in a specific situation a talent for drawing. For example, he is talented in drawing. “Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” Arthur Schopenhauer. 2- Being gifted “Giftedness is the ability to generate lots of ideas (fluency), look at a problem from an unusual viewpoint (flexibility), develop an idea (elaboration) and come up with something new (originality).” Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students, Gwen Goodhew. London, New York, Network Continuum, 2009, (Page 2). Intellectual giftedness refers to a very high level of intelligence and is often believed to involve more than intelligence quotient. Gifted people are asynchronous and problem solver. For example Albert Einstein is one of the gifted people who had the gifted man life. Being gifted means being Independent thinker means to have the high creativity and high motivation. For example, “An able musician probably plays in the school orchestra, a talented musician is technically very competent and plays for the county youth orchestra but a gifted musician, whether a conductor, trombonist or composer, is both technically very competent and has the ability to bring something new and exciting to interpretation or composition.” Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students, Gwen Goodhew. London; New York: Network Continuum, 2009, (Page 2). 3- Being intelligent Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, think in abstract terms, and the ability to adapt to the surrounding environment. For example, smart people can indeed make mistakes, however

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