A World Without Kindness Essay

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A World without Kindness Would you want to live in a world without kindness? I wouldn’t. Because it would be a cold heartless place to live in. Because a world without kindness is a sad place. Mother Theresa once said “People are often unreasonable and self centered. Forgive them anyway.” If you show kindness to others, they will show kindness back. When I think about kindness, three voices ask me about kindness in my head: What is kindness? Why do we have to be kind to others? What will it give us if we’re kind? What is kindness? How do we know that it’s real? Most people would define kindness as going out of your way to help others, or treating people the way you want to be treated. Kindness is the foundation to many viewpoints of your life. And have people helping me because I helped them. Kindness doesn’t just stop there. Kindness comes and may be given in multiple ways. I would love to be treated like I treat other people, like thanking people for cleaning up after them or clean up your own mess without being asked. We live in a beautiful planet and…show more content…
When we’re happy we become kind. Kindness has given us so much in our own life already, I feel horrible asking what kindness gives us in return. Kindness is being selfless in some ways, so wouldn’t that mean we don’t have to get anything in return. One thing about kindness is for sure though. Kindness will bring us happiness and. I think so. We stay kind in our hearts and we will become more humble. We can give the gifts of kindness anytime in our lives. No one forgets an act of kindness, not easily at least. Acts of kindness eventually come back in good ways because it allows people to see that there is good out there. Kindness only exists because there are atrocious actions and deeds out there. Without kindness we would all be lost and the Earth would have been in ruins long before our time. Kindness is something we do knowing that there will not be a definite reward in

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