Difference Between Employer And Employer

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Have you ever thought about the difference between an employer and an employee? Of course there is a lot of difference and not always we can give an easy answer. Each position has its own difficulty. The owner has considerations that the worker does not ever have to have as a concern. An employer is responsible for the whole business, he is also the one who takes the risk of doing business. He has to play the taxes and insurance, and worry about loosing everything.If the business goes under, the owner loses much more than a job. If you want to be a good businessman, at first you have to work as an employee finding out the hassles of owning a business. Each of them has to understand the balance of things. The owner cannot do all the work himself…show more content…
Furthermore there are potential tax advantages. If you are an independent contractor, you are working for yourself. You set your own hours and only do the work you want to do. So when you are self-employed you get more flexibility in how much tax you’ll pay and when you’ll pay it. You also get to decide when to spend money to help your business grow, you can have a wide range of pension choices, and why not, you might distribute income to family members by hiring them as employees. All in one, if you are an owner you are more flexible, you have more free time, more opportunity to increase your income, you can work from home,…show more content…
You are responsible to yourself and often for a lot of others too. You are not paid for sick days, you must come up with the money to pay for your own insurance. As for the pension, the money come from you, whereas in many companies employers contribute to the pensions of their employees. You are going to deal with a lot of stress, considering that you will have to do with the taxes, and it is also your responsibility to hire an employee or to fire one. You have to handle the business, the stocks and the investments, take care for the completion which is all around you. So what it takes to work as an employee then? Since some people find it hard to deal with all of that responsibility , they choose the advantages to working for someone else. First of all, you have steady income that is independent of the company success. You are also responsible only for your work. Being an employee usually comes with benefits such as health care and paid vacations. Secondly, you are not responsible for the cost of equipment or materials to do your work. You have the opportunity for career growth within the company and a competitive payment, benefits and opportunity for bonus. Also there is often occasion for

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