Being a Teenager

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Being a teenager can be the best years of your life,but it also can be the worst it all depends on the choices you make.Us as teenagers go through a lot such as: pure pressure ,puberty, making decisions,etc.....Being a teenager period can be hard , because we're surrounded by many things at once, we always go for the things we desire than what we need,but at the end of the day we may be satisfied with whatever we have at tat moment ,but we'll be wishing we had what we needed rather than the things we WANTED.Us teenagers are exposed to a lot , and at times it can get overwhelming at certain points in our lives. Some of us teenagers have family problems which interfere with our education , and social environment ,which has us motionally disstressed .Some of us teenagers rather go one an out rage when we're angery , and decide to do what we want , thats why most teens are either killed or in prision , because we dont take the advice our parents gives us in consideration , some of us teens are non-listeners , which means we have our mind set that we can do what we want , im also a teenager and we feel the need that we should have our say so in certain situations , and when it doesn't go our way we sense to get a attitude.Our biggest problem as teens is that we are more exposed in the negativity in the world rather than positive, thats why majority of teens do drugs , join gangs ,steal , etc.....When parents/Guardians give us lectures about the actions we take we feel that , they're over exaggerating or just being annoying , but in the long run the advice that we ignore that they try to give us always will come in handy in certain situations.Being a teenager is the most adventurous times of our livs growning up , because while we're prospering and maturing into an adult it gives us an heads up to the future.On the pther hand it's not that adventurous ,because some

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