Behavior Management in Early Childhood Education

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Behavior management is one of the most popular and important topic in the field of early childhood education. Nothing makes parents and teachers more frustrated than an inability to manage a young child’s behavior. In this paper I will describe the purpose of behavior management in early childhood education setting, discuss three strategies teachers may use to determine the function of challenging behaviors and design an individual support plan for each of the challenging behaviors, and summarize the role of the teacher in designing and implementing a classroom behavior plan. Classroom behavior management refers to the discipline system that teachers and schools put in place to teach students to control their behavior. It includes things as simple as how to hand in papers and as complicated as how to handle bullying. Effective classroom management maximizes student learning because less time is spent on disruptions and other behavioral issues. (Zimmerman, J,2012. ) The overall purpose of behavior management is to assist young children in displaying behaviors that are conducive to learning and to teach social behaviors that are appropriate for home and school settings. In effective adult-child interactions, the children’s behavior is recognized, interpreted in context, and responded to contingently. (Bacon,P.A. 2006-12) The most important rule of behavior management in the early childhood classroom is to be consistent. No matter which techniques you choose to incorporate into the management of your classroom, you must stick to the plan for it to work. If students notice that you are sporadic in your responses to inappropriate behavior, they will not be as devoted to making the right choices. If you create and consistently implement an effective classroom management plan, your classroom will be a safe, welcoming environment where students are

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