Behavior and Social Influences

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Human behavior is from learning based theories, and originated through one simple idea that all human behaviors are attained through conditioning. This is known in psychology as behaviorism. Conditioning is something that occurs through humans interacting with their surrounding environment. Although this is not all there is to behavior in the psychology world, but this is an underlining principle that shows the connection to human behavior and social influences. Human nature adapts to the world around, and when addressing the question how does human behavior change based on social situations, many different examples from my own personal experiences come to mind. I will evaluate two different examples on how behavior changes through social situations, and address the same questions to both of the different examples. The first example is about two men walking down a crowded city street, both of the men are intoxicated, and being inappropriate in public. The people around them are displaying actions of disgust and frustration. One person decides to ask the men to keep it down because they have children, the men continue to be inconsiderate to the stranger’s plea to act appropriate, and their behavior continues to worsen acting aggressive toward others. As the two men get to the end of the street and turn the corner the two men run into a police officer on duty, the men immediately gain their composure and both men became silent and started focusing on their own actions, so they can blend in with the crowd walking down the street. The officer stopped the men and proceeded to escort them to his car to do further investigating on their suspicious behaviors. When analyzing this example of changing behaviors I want to point out the specific behaviors of the men before and after the change they displayed in this social situation. The men’s
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