Becoming Popular Essay

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Onur Demir 10-23-12 English Essay Would you try to hurt yourself just to become popular to people? YouTube is a website that allows people to post videos. The issue is either banning or not stunt videos. Some people say that stunt videos should be banned because kids are dying after watching these videos because then kids try to attempt these stunts. Other people say no because they say that it’s children’s fault because they don’t think about their actions before they do it. YouTube should ban stunt videos because kids under 19 are getting hurt or dying from trying to earn fame. Should YouTube keep or ban stunt videos? I believe YouTube should because kids and teens are getting hurt or are dying because of these videos. More than 14,000 people that are killed because of stunt videos are kids under 19. Kids die because of stunt videos because they try to copy other people that have done those stunts. Kids and teens make stunt videos because they watch TV shows like Fear Factor, Stunt Junkies, and Wipeout. These TV shows, show viewers dangerous stunts that are funny to some people and dangerous to others. Some kids and teens think before they do the stunt, but they get peer pressured or because their brain tells them to do it. When a kid or teen is unsure of something, people they know or their brains keep trying to force them into it until they do. Stunt videos should be banned so that people don’t do stunts like playing with fire or surfing on moving cars. TV shows or peer pressure causes kids to do stunts to earn fame. They get hurt or die because of these stunts that kids and teens imitate. However, kids still do them no matter what. Who should be taking care of children and teens on the internet? The other side claims that parents should be watching their kids or teens, not YouTube. Parents shouldn’t have to be the ones to ensure that kids

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