Becoming Myself Essay

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Becoming myself. It's an on going journey that i'm always excited for! When i take a step back and analyse my journey so far and myself, i'm somewhat pleased with the over all result. I was forced to become myself on my own. Through the year so far i've faced far to many trials that i've had to deal with alone. Even though it's only June and i'm only 18 years old, i can't help but notice how much i've grown. My friends and even my family didn't (and doesn't) know about the trials i've faced and how much i had to push through... I was own and was forced to become myself. My true self! This becoming myself thing started last year, but at that time i didn't have a name for it and i didn't take things seriously...i didn't take life seriously, and i tried not to care too much... And i don't regret last year. It was the start in finding myself and settling into myself. i'm using the word 'myself' far too much....i'll try to use it less. Well, now as i look at my friends and how they've grown and even looking at my much has changed...okay maybe not that much has changed, but change has been evident! So back to taking a step back and looking at my life and how far i've come... let me first mention that i recently entered into a relationship ... at the beginning of our relationship, i analysed us and how much we've changed over the time we've know each other... and i wondered how we would work, i wondered if we would work. We were so very similar 2 years ago, that we were very compatible with each after 2 years worth of change, i wondered if that compatibility remained. My point is that, i was confronted to who i was 2 years ago, with who i am now and i wondered if this person would accept me as i am. (and i changed quite a bit i must add)... (and yes he did accept me) ... But that's the challenge, when you finally become your true self,

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