Becoming a Role Model

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Becoming a Role Model ENG121: English Composition 1 Prof. Corinne Tatum July 9, 2012 Becoming a Role Model My dream is to become a role model for my daughter; someone she can look up to and have no reason to doubt her dreams. Returning to school was the easiest decision to help me reach my dream. Being a stay at home mom made me realize that my daughter needs a good dependable role model. My game plan for reaching this accomplishment is deciding to return to school, including my family in this decision, coming up with an attack plan, and then enjoying the dream. I decided to reach out for a degree in Health Informatics. With this, I will be working in the health care industry and enjoying my passion for numbers. Working either with insurances or designing new software for healthcare can insure that I will have a steady job for years to come. As I pondered about the timing of my decision, it came clear that there was no time like the present. My fiancé has a great job working in the oil field and had recently wanted me to quit my dead end waitressing job to become a stay at home. I went through the process of getting information together like expenses, dates, and class. Then I talked with my family about our next steps together. I talked to my family about money and our plan of attack. Having my family give me there opinions’ on the situation gave me confidence to go through with school. Since I was eligible for grants and loans, our up front out of pocket money was zero. The money situation solved was one of the biggest reliefs. Next, we came up with an attack plan that fit the new evolving lifestyle. Our schedule we came up with was that I could do all my schoolwork in the mornings before anyone gets up. Our afternoons were for cleaning and household duties. At the end of the day when we are all exhausted, we would aim for some family games or movies.
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