Barriers to Effective Communication

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Dear annie I have heard you will be joining me on my work experience at the residential home I am going to explain in this email the different barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them, so i hope this helps you to become better prepared for your work experience session. Many of the people we will be visiting and helping out will be four residents that have English as their second language, and others that have visual impairments. What is a barrier to effective communication ? A barrier to communication is a message that is not received in the right way . Whilst working with the elderly who have a visual impairment, there may be a few barriers to communicating effectively. The barriers could be caused by many things , for an example, if a person you are working with has a visual impairment , or you are speaking too fast , walking away as you speak and not listening to the clients response, or maybe if the client is unable to communicate themselves ,may cause a barrier to communicating in an effective manner. To make the conversation understood you will have to speak loudly and clearly ,and stand opposite the person when speaking, because some people with a visual impairment have a loss of sensory. For those that have trouble communicating themselves, the introduction of braille may be an advantage. Cultural differences? Just in-case you are not sure of what cultural difference means, it means the way people dress, peoples religions and interests and any kind of food they may like to eat. Cultural differences is a barrier to communication, as it is a variation between cultures.This is because different people come from different backgrounds and may have different beliefs and opinions about things . If you are working with a person from a different culture on your work experience you need to be aware that people

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