Barriers to Communications in Healthcare

1915 Words8 Pages
Among the many challenges facing health care in the United State today is the role of language and cultural barriers in health communication that affects healthcare access and quality. High levels of immigration over the last several decades have increased the foreign-born population, majority being from Hispanic and Asian. Successful communication between healthcare providers and their patients from different cultural backgrounds depends on developing awareness of the cultural values of patients. This paper will focus on the most dominant immigration cultures in America; Asian and Hispanic and American Indians. In Asian cultures language and the ways they communicate differ from American ways and can lead to dissatisfaction of care if poorly understood. Identification of the Asian community, how they communicate; verbally and nonverbally, what role family plays in the live of a patient and the importance of respect in families, Asian beliefs and what they do to stay healthy will be discussed. In American Indian cultures language also is a barrier. Even though they are American they have beliefs that differ from Americans. How to identify an American Indian, how they communicate and how family plays a part of ones health will be discussed. Hispanic cultures are rapidly spreading in America, understanding their culture would also eliminate dissatisfaction of care. Because they are the second largest culture in America, it is not more important than others but it should be a culture that holds a high status because there are so many. Hispanics differ in communication styles, illness beliefs and relationship ties. Asians, Americans Indians and Hispanics are in some ways the same as American culture but they differ greatly as well and when language and communication barriers are understood satisfaction of care will be reached. The challenge to health care

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