barking dog seldom bite

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Crime has no domain nor does it evolve around people as endemic or epidemic threat. It’s an attitude of derange behavior that encompasses individual thoughts as perception, feel and interpretation. Criminals have vocabulary and dictionary of their own and under no means his bearing as siblings and attachment as citizenship can be hold and halted as blame. My point is simple if someone at some place has acted at his own, no law and authority can accountable his country for the act, till such acts are own by executors. Just one question to sane commentators and off course! All time, Indians blamers, as well. Under what substance as rule and prerogative as blame, issue of bearing in terms of nationality, is important when a person litigates with the law and order within the premise of other state, being visited by him? In my opinion any one visiting a country with valid sanctioning of visa, is by law under the compulsion and authority of a nation that has validated him as national on his departure, by issuing passport under the affirmation and authority of his legitimate government or president. This is a customary practice and responsibility of diplomatic relationship enclave to intimate every such mishap and litigating affairs to the inmates of valid entry visitor, to his native country, so to deal the individual as per relative policy of the state and between states. It is never like that a person driving a car without authorized license with in the premise of visiting nation undergo accident, injuring a local and his country, is blamed for the outcome of his citizen, for negligence and planned hit. Similarly if someone at someplace under go accident, while roaming as visitor, went in to accident, visiting country is never regarded and malice in terms of, not looking after the citizen. This is the rational way of relationship as understanding and rule of

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