Banning Junk Food

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Junk food has been around for ages. As human beings we all love in indulge in that one chocolate bar, that one bag of chips or even going to out for dinner that one time. We all say one time, but the truth being is most people indulge more than once. Which brings us to reality; junk food if not handled properly negatively effects our bodies. The rise of junk food consumption is currently hurting today’s children. The banning of junk food by the school would influence students to lead a beneficial lifestyle. Organization skills will be impacted when banning junk food in schools. To begin with, students learn how to pre-plan. With junk food not being available in the cafeteria or vending machines, more students will bring lunches from home to school. Therefore, the adolescent learns how to plan what they are going to eat in advance. Pre-planning is a great skill that can be used in everyday life. For example, if one knows they have a game after school they can pack a granola bar as a pregame snack, this allows the athlete to maximize their performance. Add how this organization keeps them from unhealthly choices from the cafeMoreover, students can learn to keep track of their money. By junk food not being available, students will once again bring a lunch from home. This allows the student to save their money. Keeping track of how much money one spends is essential in everyday life. For example, the five dollars spent on junk food in the cafeteria everyday will now be saved and in a week one hundred dollars has not been spent. One hundred dollars is a lot of money! All in all, organization can be achieved through schools banning junk food. You didn’t even mention organization specifically Banning junk food would not only boost organization skills but also, allow health issues to decrease in adolescents. To begin with, high cholesterol is common when junk food

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