Balzac And The Lcs - Lcs Character Analysis

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The LCS – Character study When the boys first meet the LCS in her Phoenix mountain setting: P 20 – 25 Initial description of the LCS in the mountain setting The LCS is characterized through physical description, which sets her apart from the other locals. Initially, the shoes which “caught the eye” are “sturdy and supple …delicate and sophisticated”. This shows that she already has a sense of style probably because of her high status on the mountain as the tailor’s daughter. This is reinforced by her magnificent long hair ‘tied with a brand new red silk ribbon”. Her eyes have “sparkle …the loveliest pair of eyes in the district”. Significantly, she is set apart from the boys geographically because Ma says “a steep valley divided her village from ours”. Later we see that she is very skilled at traversing the ridge. She is the daughter of the district tailor, the most respected and probably wealthy person in the area. Her depiction as a princess as suggested by the tailor “who lived like a king”. When she first meets Luo, she “hooted with laughter” at his impersonation of her father which shows her understanding of accents and his sense of humour. She has a clear view of her father and is not overawed by him saying “he’s just an overgrown child”. Ma again reads her eyes which have an “untamed quality …the gleam of uncut gems”. Behind this representation is the suggestion that Ma sees her qualities but he underestimates her. The boys are totally captivated by her beauty: “she had a glowing complexion and her features were fine, almost noble. Her face possessed an impressive, sensual beauty”. Her level of education is revealed – she is not the typical mountain peasant. When Ma asks her

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