Baglady Essay

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Baglady Dame Antonia Susan Duffy aka A.S. Byatt, is an English novelist. Born on the 24 of August 1936, she has written many novels and poets. Byatt biggest work is probably the novel Possession in 1990, which was the bestseller in Europe and the United States of America in 1990 and won the Booker price. The short story ‘baglady’ in from the collection Elements 1998, and is written of course written by A.S. Byatt. Having lost a son in a car accident who was at the age of 11, her works intend to be a little odd to read and a little dark. In the short story baglady we read about a woman (Daphne Gulver-Robinson), who is with her husband in the Far East. Her husband works for a company that often goes on business-trips, and Lord Scroop demands his employees to take their wives with them on business-tips, because his attention was started to be drawn to figures about AIDS. Daphne wasn’t as classy as the other women, even though she had done a lot to look like them. The women are packing because they are getting ready to a flight on to Sydney, Lady Scroop than makes a schedule that allows all the women to take to a shopping mall before they leave the city. When in the big shopping mall, Daphne walks in the shopping mall by herself. Daphne figures out that some of her belongings are missing from her bag, but she ignores it and moves on. When the time is up and she is supposed to meet up with the women at the front entrance, she panics and gets frustrated. Daphne starts to run up and down in the mall, ruining her clothes, make-up, hair, shoes and stockings. Daphne screams for help and a police man comes over to her. Daphne then fails to prove to the police man that she is from London and that all of her belongings have been stolen. He then asks her to leave, but she refuses and sits down waiting for her husband feeling like a baglady. “... She sees herself with his eyes,
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