Bad And Good Effects Of Compuer Games

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Good and Bad Effect of Video Games According to Raise Smart Kids website, there are both good and bad effects of video games on children. The first good effect is that video games give your child’s brain a real workout. In many games, kids need to use some skills and mental thinking that are not taught at school. They learn how to read and follow the instruction, hand-eye coordination, quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions, memorize, make reasoned judgments, practice teamwork, cooperation when played with others and so on. Moreover, video games introduce kids to computer technology and the online world where they can start exploring themselves later. In particular, this is more important for girls who typically are not interested in high technology as much as boys. The article also says that video games increase kid’s self-confidence, self-esteem and help kids to be active. Additionally, video games can reduce kid’s stress by letting them release their angers. Another aspect of video games is the bad effects that they bring to kids. The most important effect is the violence they contain. According to the article, children who play more violent games are more likely to have increased their aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Secondly, playing video games too much makes kids isolated from their society and neglected their schools. Additionally, kids can learn bad language and behaviors from others when playing games with them. The article also talks about the recommendation of the games and what to look for in choosing a video game such as the ratings and the type of game. Work Cited The Good and Bad Effects of Video Games.

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