B120 Tma01 Essay

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TMA01 B120 After careful analysis I have ascertained certain detrimental issues and will address these factors providing ideas on how to improve the overall market position of the Lodge Bistro in the external environment. The integral focus will use the STEEP analysis to provide a better understanding of the external environment including Sociological, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political factors. (Preston et al, 2012, p. 17). Areas of concern include pressure from other restaurants across Britain, the demographic of consumers, the recession, change in management structure (including managers acting on this to bring forward their own philosophy of ideas), which in some cases has resulted in lower revenues, not taking full advantage of technological resources available and not acting on the advantageous concept of health promotion running rife across Britain. Finally I will focus on the current staff crisis and clarify to you that these stakeholders (members of staff) have a vested interest in the activities of your business and will produce stronger performances if they are motivated and not subjugated into feeling like they are just another cog in the wheel. (Caan, 2013) Word count 181 Part (b) Sociological - The demographic of consumers tends to be that of the older generation with lower spending behaviour, especially during the recession. You need to think about attracting a more affluent and younger clientele. Technological - You do not appear to have a website. You have computerized the accounts however, a web presence would allow merchandise sales, affiliation links, online customer interaction and special offers. (Horowitz et al). Economic - With the economy moving into recession certain Bistros have been offering less expensive snacks adopting a free will approach that you yourself administered and their ideas have been stifled and

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