Avoiding Natural Consequences

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Take Advantage of Any Means Possible to Avoid Natural Consequences “Ding, Ding, Ding!” The school bell loudly sounds as I sprint through the front doors of the school. My first hour class is all the way on the other side of the building; there’s no way that I will arrive before class begins. I was warned that if I arrived late to class one more time, I had to serve a 15 minute detention after school. As I bound up the never-ending stairway I suddenly remembered the yellow pass resting in the bottom of my brightly-colored book bag that my third hour teacher had given me several weeks earlier. She had left the pass completely blank with the exception of her signature. At that moment I thought of an idea: why not fill in today’s date and say that I was with my third hour teacher before school discussing an assignment? I shouldn’t have to face the consequence when it can easily be avoided. Avoiding consequences can be very convenient. Most often consequences lead to timely processes; a majority of legal consequences can often lead to costly processes as well. For example, if someone commits a serious crime, his consequence would most likely include some sort of fee and a court hearing, both timely and costly. It is much easier to blame others for wrong doings than accepting them and facing the consequences just as Abigail Williams blamed Elizabeth Proctor. Take advantage of the fact of knowing someone that can help alleviate a situation in which one is faced with a consequence. A fellow peer of mine was caught driving after curfew and his consequence was a ticket. Luckily for him, his father works for the local police, he took care of the ticket for his son and got it taken off of his record. He shouldn’t have to face the consequence when his father so effortlessly got him out of it. Society has shaped us to believe that avoiding the consequences we deserve is an

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