Automatic Dipping Assembly System

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AUTOMATIC DIPPING ASSEMBLY SYSTEM – ADAS Background of the invention: The present invention Automatic Dipping Assembly System – ADAS relates to a mechanism that lowers the intensity of head lamps of a vehicle at night on sensing the light of the opposite coming vehicle falling on the said vehicle. Major part of night accidents occur only due to not dipping off the lights on the highways. At nights, on highways, when two vehicles facing eachother comes nearer, their lights fall on eachother and the driver of no vehicle could see the vehicle coming on the opposite side. This results in accidents at nights. This can be seen frequently while overtaking the other vehicle at night times. Even if the two vehicles are traveling on different lanes, this results in the failure to see what is ahead of the said vehicle due to the glare of the opposite vehicle traveling in the other lane. The main idea of this invention occurred by seeing the accidents that occurs at nights. The main idea to achieve this project is to sense the light coming from the opposite vehicle and the intensity of the headlamps of the said vehicle gets lowered. The same process repeates with the opposite vehicle too. So, as the head lamps intensities of both vehicles gets minimized and thus, enable the drivers of both vehicles to see the opposite vehicle. Requirements: We may need a photodiode and a microcontroller to introduce in the headlamp (or the lightninig) circuit of the vehicle. The code to control the system is to be written into the microcontroller using Embedded Systems. Functioning: A photodiode acting like the sensor is to be arranged inside the dome of the head lamps of the said vehicle such that it is situated a little back than the head lamp so that the light of the head lamp of the said vehicle doesn’t fall on the sensor because the sensor shouldn’t sense the

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