Auditing Essay

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ASSIGNMENT FOR EXTRA CREDIT (ACN 403 | Spring ‘13) 1. Assume that you are the new audit senior on the Square Pharmaceuticals engagement. Square Pharmaceuticals has three successful drugs and a number of drugs in progress in their research and development pipeline. You are considering your audit plan and it is important to identify the inherent risks that Square Pharmaceuticals has and how they relate to the planning process. Required: For each of the following factors, indicate whether it will tend to increase, decrease, or have no effect on inherent risk, and the reasoning for your answer. A. Dr. Jamil is the major shareholder of Square Pharmaceuticals and its CEO. B. Your firm has audited Square Pharmaceuticals for the last four years. C. There has been high turnover of key accounting personnel during the last two years. D. The internal audit function reports to the audit committee. E. Square Pharmaceuticals has been the subject of lawsuits by users of Framadon who claim that the drug affects their liver functions. Square Pharmaceuticals is confident that there are no such side effects from the use of Framadon. 2. A. You are teaching a class of new hires at your international accounting firm. Explain the audit risk model using a mathematical formula. B. Salman, the partner in charge of the audit of Square Pharmaceuticals, sets the planned level of audit risk for the audit of accounts payable at .06. The risk of material misstatement is assessed at .65. What is the detection risk for this

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