Audit Work Paper Manipulation by Dtr in North Face Inc

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Audit work paper manipulation by Deloitte Touche Ross in the North Face Course Title: Advanced Auditing Date: November 15th 2012 Author Note Abstract This paper explores the instance of audit work paper manipulation by Richard Fiedelman of Deloitte Touche Ross (DTR), a leading Public Accounting firm who failed to exercise due professional care in the carrying out of his duties in the course of the audit of their client North Face Inc. It evaluates the severity of the Securities and Exchange (SEC’s) sanctions imposed on Richard Fiedelman for the violation of Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). It also covers the practice of ‘materiality’ used by public accounting firms and how this should be addressed with audit clients. The paper discusses the options of responses to being asked to modify client work papers by the engagement partner. It goes on to also discuss if auditors have a responsibility to assess the quality of the key strategic decisions made by client executives. Keywords: Deloitte Touche Ross, Securities and Exchange Commission, audit work papers, Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, Generally Accepted Accounting Practices. Audit work paper manipulation by Richard Fiedelman of Deloitte Touche Ross in the audit of North Face Inc. When the newly appointed audit partner at DTR, Will Borden, upon reviewing the audit of North Face Inc.’s 1997 financial statements, questioned why the adjustment shown and required by the work papers had not been adjusted in the financial statements, Fiedelman realized his error. Rather than correcting the error, he wanted to cover his tracks and found a way to cover up the error by altering the audit documentation without appropriate rationale, explanation or justification. The original 1997 audit papers therefore were replaced by

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