Audio Lingual Method

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The Audio-Lingual Method The Audio-Lingual Method is an oral based approach like the Direct Method. The important points in this method are that here, the students are drilled in the use of grammatical rules and it has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and psychology. The most important principles in this method are: -Language forms do not occur by themselves, they occur most naturally within a context. -The language systems of the target language and native language should be kept apart, so there must be no interferences of the student’s native language with the process of acquiring the second language. -Teachers should provide the students with an exact model. By listening to how it is supposed to sound, students should be able to mimic the model. -Language learning is a process of habit formation. Students should repeat what they are taught. The more it is repeated, the stronger the habit and the greater the learning. -Prevent learners from making errors. When an error is made, it should immediately be corrected by the teacher. -The purpose of language learning is communication. -The teachers should use single-slot and multiple substitution drills. -Positive reinforcements help the students to develop correct habits. - Students should be able to answer to Both verbal and non-verbal stimuli. -Each language has a number of patterns and rules. Pattern practice helps students to form habits which enable them to use the patterns. -Students should overlearn. It means that they should be able to learn to answer quickly without stopping to think. -The teacher shoulddo a contrastive analysis of the target and the native language. It will tell the teacher in which areas his students will experience difficulty. -Language and culture are not separatable. The teachers responsibility is to present the behavior of the people who use the target language
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