Athens vs Sparta

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Ancient Athens or Sparta? I strongly prefer to live in Ancient Athens for many reasons. They had a better education system, a better political system, and it was a much freer place to be in. Below are the reasons I would like to live in Athens. Democracy is a very good political system, enabling male citizens to vote and decide on laws, not the council members. Democracy is better than Sparta’s political system, because in Sparta, there were dictators (one ruler/king) and they made the laws and choices. In Athens, most of the place was equal and fair, but in Sparta, it was not that fair, because most of the nation were made out of slaves and rich rulers. Rulers and people of Sparta were not equal at all. In Athens, slaves made up only 30% of the population. In Sparta, most of the population is made out of slaves. Athens is freer than Sparta, because when you reach the age of 7 years old in Sparta, it is compulsory to go to a military camp to learn battle tactics, which were very strict. You will be treated nicer in Athens than Sparta, because in Athens, they actually have a community and citizens work together well. In Sparta, only the military forces work well, not the community. Education was much better in Athens because you didn’t have to go to a military camp. Boys at a young age studied mathematics, poetry, music and dance, athletics and gymnastics, and maybe philosophy and public speaking. The boys learnt these skills in order to become a well-rounded good citizen. I reckon that Athens’ education is a more flexible education system than just going to a military camp. Ancient Athens was a much better place to live in instead of Ancient Sparta. The education, freedom, and political system are some critical features of Athens. Athens was a good place to live in. By Brandon
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