Athena Of Greek Mythology

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Athena was a powerful goddess in Greek mythology. Athena was the goddess of wisdom, war, and the useful arts. The useful arts included farming, spinning, weaving and playing music. Athena was the protector of hereos, cities and states. Athena invented the flute, the trumpet, the earthenware pot, the plough, the rake, the ox-yoke, the horse-bridle, the chariot, and the ship. Athena was also the first teacher of the science of numbers, and all women's arts including, cooking, spinning, and weaving. Athena is often called Pallas, or Pallas Athene. The name Pallas comes from a childhood friend who she had accidently killed so she carried the name from then on to carry with her forever more. Zeus was once married to Metis, Metis was the first goddess of wisdom. When Metis becamae pregnant, Zeus was pleased that he was going to be a father but then, Rhea warned Zeus that Metis would have a son that would conquer him. Zeus tricked her into becoming a fly and then quickly swallowed her. However, Metis was already pregnant and was creating a helmet and armour inside of Zeus. The hammering caused such a headache for Zeus that he ordered Hermes to cut his head open and remove the source of the pain. As soon as his head was cut open, Athena jumped out, fully grown and clothed in a helmet and armour. Athena's appearance is always described as having gray eyes which were shining. She would always be accompanied by an owl. An owl is a symbol of wisdom and is a bird that has the capability of seeing in the dark. Often, Athena is also accompanied by the Goddess of Victory, Nike. Athena is always depicted wearing armour and a helmet. Zeus gave Athena a special shield called the aegis. Athena used the aegis as a shield against her enemies. It was a symbol of her power. Medusa's head was on the aegis. Medusa was a female monster with snakes for hair. Athena had helped the hero

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