At The Lake

718 Words3 Pages
1: Summary The story is about a married couple, Margret and Oskar and their six-year-old son, Jonas. They spend the weekend in their cabin near a lake. After dinner Jonas and Oskar go fishing on the lake. Jonas is bored. He wants excitement; similar to the way he feels when he sees Vilhelm, the owner of the white boat. Oskar tries to impress him, but the boat capsizes. Vilhelm and Bjorn come to their rescue. Oskar uses all his strength to save himself, but is unable to hold his son. Vilhelm jumps into the water and rescues Jonas. In the evening they drink whiskey and play cards in the cabin. Oskar and Bjorn go to Margret’s parent’s house to get more whiskey for Margret. They hurried back to Vilhelm who is alone with Margret. When they come back, Margret acknowledges she knows that he let go of his son in the water. (150 words) 2: Characterization Margret: Margret is Jonas’ mother and Oskar’s wife. She is a good mother, who loves her family and care about safety. (She would rather like that Oskar and Jonas go fishing the next day) – She is worried for Jonas. In the beginning of the story, she has to go and check on her son once in a while, during the night. And it is Jonas she holds tight at the shore, not Oskar. - When Oskar let go of his son, Margret feels somewhat betrayed. He has hurt her beloved son, and therefore her feelings. Oskar: He is Margret’s husband and Jonas’ father. He enjoys fishing, and wants his son to like him, there-fore he made some turns with the boat. Accidentally the boat turns over. I think he has an inner voice who keeps telling him, he has to be better than Vilhelm to “win” his sons love. He let his feel-ings control him. He does wildly turns to surpass Vilhelm, and let go of his son to safe his own life. Besides that he is keen on to be “secure”. He lies about the accident to Margret, just to save
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