Assignment based on the categorisations of the different forms of bullying and victimisation

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This essay aims to look at articles based on bullying and victimisation between the ages of 4-19 years old. The purpose of this topic involves looking at different types of bullying and victimisation such as physical, social, psychological etc. I will start off by giving definitions of bullying and victimisation as this covers a large topic. Thereby, review the findings from the articles as a whole and provide a summary for the articles, followed by a description of the critical processes of the chosen articles. Bullying is a form of abuse that can take different forms at any range of age. This can be physical, verbal, social or cyber-bullying that can be direct or indirect. Children who bully have more power than children they victimise; this power can derive from physical advantage such as size or strength, social relationships such as higher social status in a peer group, systematic power such as racial or cultural groups, sexual minorities, economic disadvantage and disability. In addition, bullying can also occur as a result of stuttering, family background and personal behaviour by causing distress to victimised children. Four articles have been reviewed in total that focuses on the aspects of bullying and the detrimental effects children encounter when they are victims of bullying. From these articles the findings shows that in terms of defining bullying, this was linked to teasing that caused distress verbally or physically that was found to be universal. Hence, bullying was related to many factors one of which involved physical appearance this included physical trait that deviated from a norm by the peer group). In addition, name calling was a commonly used method for taunting (Horowitz et al, 2004). According to a peer group each group have their own set of rules, and norms in terms of behaviour, appearance, language, symbols etc as this gives a

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