Assignment 1 of Patient Write Up Nursing

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Student Name: Date Submitted INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete & submit electronically with your Typhon logs. Be sure to include these patients in your Typhon log as well. Date of encounter: Pt initials: Age: Sex: Male Chief complaint: MVC ejected 100ft with multiple fractures. History of present illness (include all that apply: onset, duration, location, radiation, severity, quality, timing [constant, intermittent, waxing/waning, etc.], context in which the problem occurred, exacerbating and alleviating factors, prior treatment and efficacy, prior history of same or similar complaint. (Use space as needed): On 12 Jan male driver lost control of vehicle which rolled and pt was ejected and found unresponsive. EMS at scene initiated resuscitative ABC’s and brought to E.R. for further care. On arrival pt was hypotensive and received 4u PRBC and 4 liters of crystalloids. Pt responded without any further need for colloids. Pt remained intubated and continued to be unresponsive. Taken to CT and then to surgical ICU Review of systems (Include all that apply): general/constitutional, neurologic, HEENT, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, integumentary, endocrine, hematologic, psychiatric, etc. Don’t forget to include pertinent negatives as well as pertinent positives for each system. (Use space as needed): General: Pt intubated unable to complete ROS. Past medical history (PHM): Parents report no major illnesses. Has received all childhood immunizations. Past surgical history (PSH): Parents deny Social history: Graduated HS, working in warehouse driving fork lift. Two older siblings both males. Not married lives at home. Does not have regular exercise routine or diet. Family history: Mom and Dad both have Htn, Mom has arthritis. Both sets of grandparents alive with father’s

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