Assignment 1.03 Essay

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Assignment 1.03 Part I, Scenario 3: 1. The independent variable in the experiment is the different types of music, because there are three types of music styles that are being used. The dependent variable in the experiment is the person’s pulse, because that is what is being affected by the music. 2. I would change a few things in this experiment to make it more accurate. Instead of only testing one certain type of music on a single person, the three people should have had to listen to all three different styles of music over a period of time. By doing this, the researcher would be able to determine whether the style only affected the one certain person, or all three of them. I would also suggest using the same age group and gender to make the experiment more correct. I would use a wider variety of music to be able to expand the results as well. Part II: Purpose: I have noticed that plants are unable to grow well in Southern Florida. It has become a problem, because customers purchasing flowers are unable to keep them for very long. The question that remains is what can be done to aid in the growth and survival of vegetation? Research: Two specific topics that I would have to research on the topic are the best lighting condition for the type of plant that is being grown, and the ideal nutrients needed for the plant to grow. To find the ingredients in the soil I would have to look at the back of the bag or possibly look on the products website for details. To find the best lighting condition I would look at the packet or tag that the plants or seeds come in. This will state where I should keep the plants during the experiment. Hypotheses: I believe that changing the soil that the plant grows in to the highest nutrient rich soil will aid in the growth and survival of the vegetation –One that I will test I believe that increasing the
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