Assessment Strategy Varies Across Country

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Assessment strategy is the process and policy used by the university to evaluate the skills and knowledge of the student. The purpose for assessment is to measure the performance of student in different skills, encourage further learning amongst students and award qualification or credits. The method or strategies used in the UK for assessment of students differ. Globalisation has brought international students from different countries for the purpose of learning and acquiring knowledge. The university has its own strategy in assessing the performance of student studying in the university and its one of the problems international students face when studying in the UK. The forms of assessment differ in different countries making it difficult for international student to adapt easily to the system. Below are some of the challenges international student’s faces: Group work; in every unit we are enrolled, we have been divided into groups; haven come from different cultural background and have different communication style most of us find it very difficult understanding what some of our group members are saying. Lecturers want us to solve a given problem by analysing and evaluating our findings. This is a great challenge because we had different educational backgrounds, entirely different from what is been practice in the UK. Report writing: report writing is one of the strategies in which assessment is been carried out for student. The format being used in the UK is different from the format used back in my country. We were given guidelines to write reports from the day of our induction and strict emphasis on plagiarism which was particularly shocking to me. I have never thought of it that it is a crime for me to write out the words of others without crediting source of materials till the day of my induction. The first word that came out of my mouth was “then
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