Assessment of Personal Culture

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Assessment of Personal Culture Personal culture is what one should always explore; it is a set of learned beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors which regulate how you live your daily life. Some say your personal culture is solely determined on the individual life and others say it is based on which ethnic group you are apart of and its influences. I believe personal culture is a combination of both. Knowing your ancestry allows you to know who you are. Ancestry allows you to go forward in your life. Although some may not identify with their ancestry in always like myself. It is still valuable to have some insight on your past. Insight on your ethnic history assists you in seeing how your personal identities connect to the larger cultural identity of your ethnic group. Chinese Jamaicans are descendants of Chinese who were brought to Jamaica as indentured servants. Jamaicans on the other hand are African descendants brought to Jamaica primarily to work in the sugar cane plantations, as a result of the slave trade. The historical importance of slavery and indentured servitude lies in its role as a major determinant of Jamaica's race relations and in the transformation of Jamaican/Chinese cultural events and the creation of a unique Chinese Jamaican culture in Jamaica, which is especially evident in food and music. Although I am 3rd generation removed from China and (???) removed from Africa, I am still connected to the larger diaspora of the Chinese Jamaican community. Personal culture is what one should always explore; it is a set of learned beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors which regulate how you live your daily life. Some say your personal culture is solely determined on the individual life and others say it is based on which ethnic group you are apart of and its influences. I believe personal culture is a combination of both. Knowing your ancestry
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