Assessment and Learning (Aal) Assignment

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ASSESSMENT AND LEARNING (AAL) ASSIGNMENT Mark Wilkinson Task 1 – Write an analytical account of how an organization records the results of assessment and how these results are used in quality assurance processes in that organization For this task I will be looking at how my employer Tower Hamlets Idea Store Learning (THISL) records the success of the non-accredited adult learning courses that it runs. As part of my contracted duties for THISL I have run a number of non-accredited Adult Safeguarded Learning (ASL) courses. The Achievement Data Capture forms are the primary source used by THISL to determine the success of non-accredited courses(Please see Appendix 1). This form is produced on an ATHENA database which then uses the information inputted by the course tutor to generarate figures for percentage pass rates, succes rates and retention(Please see Appendix 2). These figures are then used in the yearly audit together with data from lesson observations and learner feedback to give a record of the strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement for the Visual Arts department as a whole. The basis of the pass and success rates is provided from the tutor’s judgment of whether or not the students have successfully achieved the course learning outcomes and any learning objective the students has set for themselves. The main source of information that the tutor can use to make this judgment comes from the student Individual learning Plans (SLIPS) and from the tutors own assessment system, no guidance is provided on how the tutor can best assess the success rates of the course it is left to their discretion. The SLIP’s records each of course objectives as allowing students to record their own personal objectives. The students are required to record their confidence rating at the beginning mid-point and end of the course. (Please see Appendix 3). They

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