Assess the View That the Nuclear Family Is the Ideal Family Type for Modern Society.

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A nuclear family is a mother and father with children living as a unit. Is the nuclear family best for individuals and society as a whole? Functionalists like Parsons and Murdock agree with this statement and have functions to prove that the nuclear family is more beneficial. New right also agree and support the functionalist view. Marxists and feminists disagree that the nuclear family is the ideal family type within modern society. The functionalist perspective believe in the Consensus theory; this is the idea that there is an agreement between members of society about values which are important and society works together and will benefit groups and individuals. According to functionalist sociologists, the family is the key institution of society. They support that the nuclear family is the ideal family type as they say that the nuclear family meets all the needs of society. One functionalist who says the nuclear family is best for individuals is George Murdock. Murdock has four essential functions which are necessary to meet the needs of society. These are: Primary socialisation, Sexual stability, Reproduction and economic needs. According to Murdock if these functions are followed then this will avoid social disruption and conflict. Another functionalist, Parsons, had two functions. These are stabilisation of adult personalities (warm bath theory) and primary socialisation. They both believe primary socialisation is necessary as they say that this equips children with basic skills and values of society which helps them to co-operate with others. This shows the nuclear family is the ideal family as these functions can only work and be taught within the nuclear family. The new right ideas are from a conservative political perspective. The new right supports the idea of the nuclear family being the ideal family type in modern society and the functionalist
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