Assess the Causes of the Victory of the Ccp in the Chinese Civil War (1945 – 1949).

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Assess the causes of the victory of the CCP in the Chinese Civil War (1945 – 1949). Introduction The takeover of the GMD, led by General Chiang Kai Shek caused the outbreak of the Civil War in China in 1926. The purges began and in 1934, the Chinese Communist Party in China was close to complete destruction. But yet by 1949, the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao, (now considered as the world’s most lethal dictator), who was formally a librarian, had taken the whole of China. At that time, most of China’s population was peasant farmers in the countryside. The causes of the victory of the Chinese Communist Party can be categorized in three main parts – firstly, the international affairs and interests, secondly, the social and speculative differences and thirdly, the military factor. Underlining and being the heart of all these reasons was that the Chinese Communist Party had the support of the majority in China – the peasants and the poor. Rise of the CCP Support from the peasants The Sino Japanese war on one hand caused the GMD to fall from power, but on the other served as a real chance of rise for the Chinese Communist Party. Starting in 1937, the Japanese started to attack China and took the military and economic strongholds of the GMD – the cities. They withdrew to the wartime capital Chueng King, where they defended and decided to hold until the Japanese would lose to the USA. This ultimately left the GMD politically powerless and economically paralyzed. The GMD lost the people’s support as they failed to fulfill the Chinese people’s hopes, which looked upon their leaders to defeat the foreign invaders. They became known as the coward ones. Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party took this opportunity to take on the Japanese on their own. Though poorly equipped and armed with mostly offhand weapons, they fought bravely. The Chinese people were moved by
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