Aseptic, Aseptic Nontouch and Clean Technique Policy

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ASEPTIC, ASEPTIC NON-TOUCH AND CLEAN TECHNIQUE POLICY INTRODUCTION Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI) has been classified as a major patient safety issue in the United Kingdom (UK) hospitals as well as the National Health Services (NHS) as a whole (Health Infection Society 2007). The impact of HCAIs has become a priority for all NHS organisations because with an annual prevalence of 8.2% which equates to approximately 300000 patient incidences, HCAIs are inevitably associated with increased morbidity and mortality as well as increased healthcare costs (National Audit Office (NAO) 2009).This assignment aims to critically evaluate the impact of the NHS Trust (2010) Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT) policy and its role in the fight against HCAIs. The reason and aim of the development of this policy will be discussed as well as a critical analysis of the purpose of the implementation of related policies. The target population, impact of launching the policy and the leadership and management styles required for the implementation will be discussed in this assignment. Critical analysis will be maintained throughout the essay including the effectiveness of the monitoring, quality assurance or audit mechanisms in place. PURPOSE OF THE POLICY The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to establish the Aseptic Non Touch Technique as the safe and effective technique for all aseptic procedures. The guidance aims to enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge to reduce the risk of microbial contamination in their everyday practice (NHS Trust 2010). It encompasses the necessary infection control measures to prevent pathogenic micro-organisms on hands, surfaces or equipment from being introduced to susceptible sites during clinical practice (RCN2009). Asepsis can be defined as a state of being free from living pathogenic microorganisms (REF). The concept and

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