Art in Our Everyday

515 Words3 Pages
Art in our everyday

Art is near to heart and it makes a man rich. Without art, life has no liveliness. It is the medium of one’s expression, feelings and emotions. It can symbolize 1000 words which cannot be said. This is the capacity of art. It changes as world changes. It reflects the whole society. It represents the culture of a society. It enriches the human relations, living condition and standard of life. Life without art is very difficult to lead. Art is associated with one’s creativity. Creative minds lead the society. Art means not only the performing art. Good communication is also an art, Social interaction is also an art, Leading the life in a good manner is also an art. Art is versatile in nature. In this competitive, commercial world, man is restless. He is under lot of stress and also depression. Life is becoming more and more artificial. Human relationship is of no value today. Man is highly dependent on machines. He is converting himself into a machine. He is not bothered about his own mental health and conditions. If this condition continues, surely it would lead to the end of the whole world within a short time. Due to stress and restlessness, his condition is becoming worse day by day. Mental illness leads to physical problems and also effects on his behavior. It breaks the society. In this changing scenario, art has highest importance. In order to overcome this condition, art is very much necessary. Every man needs some recreation and entertainment. There should be some change in present working style. Here, art plays a major role. By performing or involving himself in any kind of art, one will get more enjoyment, entertainment and recreation. By involving in various kinds of art, the mind starts to think in a creative way. Mind becomes refreshed and man becomes enthusiastic. If anyone cannot take part in any kind of art, it is
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